The commands on the Color toolbar are listed below; click on the icon for more information.
Color Combine – invoke the Color Combine command, which combines RGB, LRGB, CMY, LCMY, or two-color image sets into a color image. Color Combine also handles tricolor images from the electronically tunable CRI filter, which are not true RGB images.
Color Stack – combine a group of mono images to make a color image. Useful for generating false-color images based on wavelengths of light invisible to the human eye.
Split Tricolor – separate a color image into three new images, each containing the data from one of the color planes (R,G,B).
Convert to Mono – convert a color image to monochrome by averaging the three color planes.
Pseudo Color – invoke the Pseudo Color command, which assigns colors to different brightness levels.
Convert Color – invoke the Convert Color command to convert RAW images to color.
Color Balance – adjust the three planes of a color image for scaling and offset.
White Balance – adjust the color planes of an image to make the selected area white.
Color Adjust – activates the Color Adjust command, which assists in color balance by showing how the image will look after various modifications.
Remove Background Color – removes all color below a user-defined threshold level.
Realign Planes – manually register the three planes of a color image with each other.
Adjust Saturation – adjust the saturation (color purity) of a color image.
Color Smoothing – activates the Color Smoothing command, which smoothes color information without affecting sharp luminance details.