Scripting Runtime Library  

FileSystemObject Properties

In This Section

AtEndOfLine Property
Returns true if the file pointer is positioned immediately before the end-of-line marker in a TextStream file; false if it is not.
AtEndOfStream Property
Returns true if the file pointer is at the end of a TextStream file; false if it is not.
Attributes Property
Sets or returns the attributes of files or folders.
AvailableSpace Property
Returns the amount of space available to a user on the specified drive or network share.
Column Property
Returns the column number of the current character position in a TextStream file.
CompareMode Property
Sets and returns the comparison mode for comparing string keys in a Dictionary object.
Count Property
Returns the number of items in a collection or Dictionary object.
DateCreated Property
Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was created. Read-only.
DateLastAccessed Property
Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was last accessed.
DateLastModified Property
Returns the date and time that the specified file or folder was last modified.
Drive Property
Returns the drive letter of the drive on which the specified file or folder resides.
DriveLetter Property
Returns the drive letter of a physical local drive or a network share.
Drives Property
Returns a Drives collection consisting of all Drive objects available on the local machine.
DriveType Property
Returns a value indicating the type of a specified drive.
Files Property
Returns a Files collection consisting of all File objects contained in the specified folder, including those with hidden and system file attributes set.
Returns the type of file system in use for the specified drive.
FreeSpace Property
Returns the amount of free space available to a user on the specified drive or network share.
IsReady Property
Returns true if the specified drive is ready; false if it is not.
IsRootFolder Property
Returns true if the specified folder is the root folder; false if it is not.
Item Property
Sets or returns an item for a specified key in a Dictionary object. For collections, returns an item based on the specified key.
Key Property
Sets a key in a Dictionary object.
Line Property
Returns the current line number in a TextStream file.
Name Property
Sets or returns the name of a specified file or folder.
ParentFolder Property
Returns the folder object for the parent of the specified file or folder.
Path Property
Returns the path for a specified file, folder, or drive.
RootFolder Property
Returns a Folder object representing the root folder of a specified drive.
SerialNumber Property
Returns the decimal serial number used to uniquely identify a disk volume.
ShareName Property
Returns the network share name for a specified drive.
ShortName Property
Returns the short name used by programs that require the earlier 8.3 naming convention.
ShortPath Property
Returns the short path used by programs that require the earlier 8.3 file naming convention.
Size Property
For files, returns the size, in bytes, of the specified file. For folders, returns the size, in bytes, of all files and subfolders contained in the folder.
SubFolders Property
Returns a Folders collection consisting of all folders contained in a specified folder, including those with hidden and system file attributes set.
TotalSize Property
Returns the total space, in bytes, of a drive or network share.
Type Property
Returns information about the type of a file or folder.
VolumeName Property
Sets or returns the volume name of the specified drive.

Related Sections

Scripting Run-Time Reference
List of elements that make up Scripting Run-Time Reference.
FileSystemObject Basics
A guide to the fundamentals of the FileSystemObject.