Returns True if the specified folder is the root folder; False if it is not.
The object is always a Folder object.
The following code illustrates the use of the IsRootFolder property:
[JScript] function DisplayLevelDepth(pathspec) { var fso, f, n, s = ""; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); f = fso.GetFolder(pathspec); n = 0; if (f.IsRootFolder) s = "The specified folder is the root folder." else { do { f = f.ParentFolder; n++; } while (!f.IsRootFolder
) s = "The specified folder is nested " + n + " levels deep." } return(s); } [VBScript] Function DisplayLevelDepth(pathspec) Dim fso, f, n Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.GetFolder(pathspec) If f.IsRootFolder Then DisplayLevelDepth = "The specified folder is the root folder." Else Do Untilf.IsRootFolder
Set f = f.ParentFolder n = n + 1 Loop DisplayLevelDepth = "The specified folder is nested " & n & " levels deep." End If End Function
Attributes Property | DateCreated Property | DateLastAccessed Property | DateLastModified Property | Drive Property | Files Property | Name Property | ParentFolder Property | Path Property | ShortName Property | ShortPath Property | Size Property | SubFolders Property | Type Property
Applies To: Folder Object