Right shifts the value of a variable by the number of bits specified in the value of an expression, without maintaining sign, and assigns the result to the variable.
result >>>= expression
Using the >>>= operator is exactly the same as doing the following:
result = result >>> expression
The >>>= operator shifts the bits of result right by the number of bits specified in expression. Zeroes are filled in from the left. Digits shifted off the right are discarded. For example:
var temp
temp = -14
temp >>>=
The variable temp has a value of 1073741820 as -14 (11111111 11111111 11111111 11110010 in binary) shifted right two bits equals 1073741820 (00111111 11111111 11111111 11111100 in binary).
>>> Operator | << Operator | >> Operator | Operator Precedence | Operator Summary