The following table lists the version of Microsoft JScript implemented by host applications.
Language Element | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 5.5 |
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Internet Information Server 1.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Windows Scripting Host 1.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 | x | |||||
Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 | x |
The following table lists JScript language features and the version when first introduced.
Language Element | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 5.5 |
0…n Property | x | |||||
$1...$9 Properties | x | |||||
abs Method | x | |||||
acos Method | x | |||||
ActiveXObject Object | x | |||||
Addition Operator (+) | x | |||||
anchor Method | x | |||||
apply method | x | |||||
arguments Property | x | |||||
Array Object | x | |||||
asin Method | x | |||||
Assignment Operator (=) | x | |||||
atan Method | x | |||||
atan2 Method | x | |||||
atEnd Method | x | |||||
big Method | x | |||||
Bitwise AND Operator (&) | x | |||||
Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<) | x | |||||
Bitwise NOT Operator (~) | x | |||||
Bitwise OR Operator (|) | x | |||||
Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>) | x | |||||
Bitwise XOR Operator (^) | x | |||||
blink Method | x | |||||
bold Method | x | |||||
Boolean Object | x | |||||
break Statement | x | |||||
call method | x | |||||
callee Property | x | |||||
caller Property | x | |||||
catch Statement | x | |||||
@cc_on Statement | x | |||||
ceil Method | x | |||||
charAt Method | x | |||||
charCodeAt Method | x | |||||
Comma Operator (,) | x | |||||
// (Single-line Comment Statement) | x | |||||
/*..*/ (Multiline Comment Statement) | x | |||||
Comparison Operators | x | |||||
compile Method | x | |||||
concat Method (Array) | x | |||||
concat Method (String) | x | |||||
Conditional Compilation | x | |||||
Conditional Compilation Variables | x | |||||
Conditional (ternary) Operator (?:) | x | |||||
constructor Property | x | |||||
continue Statement | x | |||||
cos Method | x | |||||
Data Type Conversion | x | |||||
Date Object | x | |||||
decodeURI Method | x | |||||
decodeURIComponent | x | |||||
Decrement Operator ( ) | x | |||||
delete Operator | x | |||||
description Property | x | |||||
dimensions Method | x | |||||
Division Operator (/) | x | |||||
do...while Statement | x | |||||
E Property | x | |||||
encodeURI Method | x | |||||
encodeURI Component | x | |||||
Enumerator Object | x | |||||
Equality Operator (==) | x | |||||
Error Object | x | |||||
escape Method | x | |||||
eval Method | x | |||||
exec Method | x | |||||
exp Method | x | |||||
fixed Method | x | |||||
floor Method | x | |||||
fontcolor Method | x | |||||
fontsize Method | x | |||||
for Statement | x | ||||| Statement | x | |||||
fromCharCode Method | x | |||||
Function Object | x | |||||
function Statement | x | |||||
getDate Method | x | |||||
getDay Method | x | |||||
getFullYear Method | x | |||||
getHours Method | x | |||||
getItem Method | x | |||||
getMilliseconds Method | x | |||||
getMinutes Method | x | |||||
getMonth Method | x | |||||
GetObject Function | x | |||||
getSeconds Method | x | |||||
getTime Method | x | |||||
getTimezoneOffset Method | x | |||||
getUTCDate Method | x | |||||
getUTCDay Method | x | |||||
getUTCFullYear Method | x | |||||
getUTCHours Method | x | |||||
getUTCMilliseconds Method | x | |||||
getUTCMinutes Method | x | |||||
getUTCMonth Method | x | |||||
getUTCSeconds Method | x | |||||
getVarDate Method | x | |||||
getYear Method | x | |||||
Global Object | x | |||||
global Property | x | |||||
Greater than Operator (>) | x | |||||
Greater than or equal to Operator (>=) | x | |||||
hasOwnProperty Method | x | |||||
Identity Operator (===) | x | |||||
@if Statement | x | |||||
if...else Statement | x | |||||
ignoreCase Property | x | |||||
Increment Operator (++) | x | |||||
index Property | x | |||||
indexOf Method | x | |||||
Inequality Operator (!=) | x | |||||
Infinity Property | x | |||||
input Property | x | |||||
instanceof Operator | x | |||||
isFinite Method | x | |||||
isNaN Method | x | |||||
isPrototypeOf Method | x | |||||
italics Method | x | |||||
item Method | x | |||||
join Method | x | |||||
Labeled Statement | x | |||||
lastIndex Property | x | |||||
lastIndexOf Method | x | |||||
lastMatch Property | x | |||||
lastParen Property | x | |||||
lbound Method | x | |||||
leftContext Property | x | |||||
length Property (Arguments) | x | |||||
length Property (Array) | x | |||||
length Property (Function) | x | |||||
length Property (String) | x | |||||
Less than Operator (<) | x | |||||
Less than or equal to Operator (<=) | x | |||||
link Method | x | |||||
LN2 Property | x | |||||
LN10 Property | x | |||||
localeCompare Method | x | |||||
log Method | x | |||||
LOG2E Property | x | |||||
LOG10E Property | x | |||||
Logical AND Operator (&&) | x | |||||
Logical NOT Operator (!) | x | |||||
Logical OR Operator (||) | x | |||||
match Method | x | |||||
Math Object | x | |||||
max Method | x | |||||
MAX_VALUE Property | x | |||||
message Property | x | |||||
min Method | x | |||||
MIN_VALUE Property | x | |||||
Modulus Operator (%) | x | |||||
moveFirst Method | x | |||||
moveNext Method | x | |||||
multiline Property | x | |||||
Multiplication Operator (*) | x | |||||
name Property | x | |||||
NaN Property (Global) | x | |||||
NaN Property (Number) | x | |||||
NEGATIVE_INFINITY Property | x | |||||
new Operator | x | |||||
Nonidentity Operator (!==) | x | |||||
Number Object | x | |||||
number Property | x | |||||
Object Object | x | |||||
Operator Precedence | x | |||||
parse Method | x | |||||
parseFloat Method | x | |||||
parseInt Method | x | |||||
PI Property | x | |||||
pop Method | x | |||||
POSITIVE_INFINITY Property | x | |||||
pow Method | x | |||||
prototype Property | x | |||||
propertyIsEnumeramble Poperty | x | |||||
push Method | x | |||||
random Method | x | |||||
RegExp Object | x | |||||
Regular Expression Object | x | |||||
Regular Expression Syntax | x | |||||
replace Method | x | |||||
return Statement | x | |||||
reverse Method | x | |||||
rightContext Property | x | |||||
round Method | x | |||||
ScriptEngine Function | x | |||||
ScriptEngineBuildVersion Function | x | |||||
ScriptEngineMajorVersion Function | x | |||||
ScriptEngineMinorVersion Function | x | |||||
search Method | x | |||||
@set Statement | x | |||||
setDate Method | x | |||||
setFullYear Method | x | |||||
setHours Method | x | |||||
setMilliseconds Method | x | |||||
setMinutes Method | x | |||||
setMonth Method | x | |||||
setSeconds Method | x | |||||
setTime Method | x | |||||
setUTCDate Method | x | |||||
setUTCFullYear Method | x | |||||
setUTCHours Method | x | |||||
setUTCMilliseconds Method | x | |||||
setUTCMinutes Method | x | |||||
setUTCMonth Method | x | |||||
setUTCSeconds Method | x | |||||
setYear Method | x | |||||
shift Method | x | |||||
sin Method | x | |||||
slice Method (Array) | x | |||||
slice Method (String) | x | |||||
small Method | x | |||||
sort Method | x | |||||
source Property | x | |||||
splice Method | x | |||||
split Method | x | |||||
sqrt Method | x | |||||
SQRT1_2 Property | x | |||||
SQRT2 Property | x | |||||
strike Method | x | |||||
String Object | x | |||||
sub Method | x | |||||
substr Method | x | |||||
substring Method | x | |||||
Subtraction Operator (-) | x | |||||
sup Method | x | |||||
switch Statement | x | |||||
tan Method | x | |||||
test Method | x | |||||
this Statement | x | |||||
throw Statement | x | |||||
toArray Method | x | |||||
toDateString Method | x | |||||
toExponential Method | x | |||||
toFixed Method | x | |||||
toGMTString Method | x | |||||
toLocaleDateString Method | x | |||||
toLocaleLowercase Method | x | |||||
toLocaleString Method | x | |||||
toLocaleTimeString Method | x | |||||
toLocaleUppercase Method | x | |||||
toLowerCase Method | x | |||||
toPrecision Method | x | |||||
toString Method | x | |||||
toTimeString Method | x | |||||
toUpperCase Method | x | |||||
toUTCString Method | x | |||||
try Statement | x | |||||
typeof Operator | x | |||||
ubound Method | x | |||||
Unary Negation Operator (-) | x | |||||
undefined Property | x | |||||
unescape Method | x | |||||
unshift Method | x | |||||
Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>) | x | |||||
UTC Method | x | |||||
valueOf Method | x | |||||
var Statement | x | |||||
VBArray Object | x | |||||
void Operator | x | |||||
while Statement | x | |||||
with Statement | x |