
parseInt Method

Returns an integer converted from a string.

parseInt(numString, [radix]) 


Required. A string to convert into a number.
Optional. A value between 2 and 36 indicating the base of the number contained in numString. If not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal and strings with a prefix of '0' are considered octal. All other strings are considered decimal.


The parseInt method returns an integer value equal to the number contained in numString. If no prefix of numString can be successfully parsed into an integer, NaN (not a number) is returned.

parseInt("abc")     // Returns NaN.
parseInt("12abc")   // Returns 12.

You can test for NaN using the isNaN method.


Version 1

See Also

isNaN Method | parseFloat Method | String Object | valueOf Method

Applies To: Global Object