Application.Blink ( Interval [, Images [, StartStop ]])
Long Interval - Specifies the duration each image is displayed in milliseconds
Collection Images - A collection of MaxIm image documents
VARIANT StartStop - [optional] Specifies operational mode of Animate dialog
omitted : |
Command is executed synchronously, i.e., the method does not return until the dialog has been closed by the user |
True : |
Asynchronous blinking is started: the Animate dialog opens, blinking starts, and the method returns immediately |
False: |
Asynchronous blinking is terminated: blinking stops and the Animate dialog closes |
Displays each member of the Images collection in sequence for approximately Interval milliseconds. If Images is not present, then all open documents are blinked.
If the StartStop parameter is not supplied, blinking can only be stopped by user action; i.e. clicking the Close button on the Blink dialog box. This method will not return until this is done, so calling this method will pause the script until user action causes the method to return.
If StartStop is supplied and set to True, the method will return immediately after initiating blinking. In this case, blinking continues until the user stops it, or the automation client calls Blink again with StartStop set to False. Interval must be zero and Images Null for the stop request. The automation client should not refer to any other MaxIm DL object properties or methods except Application.Blinking until blinking has stopped.
You cannot use Blink( 0, Null, False ) to stop a synchronous blinking operation, including one initiated by the user.
This method is equivalent to the Animate command.