ACP Planner supports imager rotators for planning. To enable rotator support, turn on the "Imager has rotator" option in ACP Planner Preferences. Once you have this enabled, ACP Planner will include imager position angle in generated ACP plans and Scheduler RTML output.
TheSky 6 Pro and Starry Night Pro/Pro Plus 5 and 6 all provide field of view indicator (FOVI) rotation (position angle) info. If you have no FOVIs defined in TheSky or Starry Night, or if you have an old version of either program, ACP Planner will ask you for the position angle when you add a target to the plan (if you have rotator support turned on).
The easiest way to use Planner with an imager rotator is to position your target in a single displayed FOVI, then rotate the indicator to the position angle you want. Next choose the "Current FOV or Center of the Sky" button in TheSky Plan Capture applet or "Add current FOV/gaze to ACP Plan", a right click menu option in Starry Night. You can also capture the current telescope position in TheSky with a telescope-referenced FOVI. See Setting Up TheSky below.
For Starry Night
For TheSky