Suspends script execution for a specified length of time, then continues execution.
The thread running the script is suspended, releasing its CPU utilization. Execution resumes as soon as the interval expires. Using the Sleep method can be useful when you are running asynchronous operations, multiple processes, or if your script includes code triggered by an event. To be triggered by an event, a script must be continually active (a script that has finished executing will certainly not detect an event). Events handled by the script will still be executed during a sleep.
Note Passing the Sleep method a 0 or 1 does not cause the script to suspend indefinitely.
The following example demonstrates the use of a single .wsf file for two jobs in different script languages (VBScript and JScript). The functionality of both jobs is the same each runs the Windows calculator and sends it keystrokes to execute a simple calculation.
<package> <job id="vbs"> <script language="VBScript"> set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "calc" WScript.Sleep
100 WshShell.AppActivate "Calculator" WScript.Sleep
100 WshShell.SendKeys "1{+}" WScript.Sleep
500 WshShell.SendKeys "2" WScript.Sleep
500 WshShell.SendKeys "~" WScript.Sleep
500 WshShell.SendKeys "*3" WScript.Sleep
500 WshShell.SendKeys "~" WScript.Sleep
2500 </script> </job> <job id="js"> <script language="JScript"> var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("calc"); WScript.Sleep
(100); WshShell.AppActivate("Calculator"); WScript.Sleep
(100); WshShell.SendKeys("1{+}"); WScript.Sleep
(500); WshShell.SendKeys("2"); WScript.Sleep
(500); WshShell.SendKeys("~"); WScript.Sleep
(500); WshShell.SendKeys("*3"); WScript.Sleep
(500); WshShell.SendKeys("~"); WScript.Sleep
(2500); </script> </job> </package>