The Network object enables you to access printing devices on your network. The following scripts demonstrate the use of the Network object to control a network printer device.
The following scripts demonstrate how to connect to a network shared printing device. In the first step, the script creates a Network Object. Next, the AddWindowsPrinterConnection method, one of the Network object's methods, performs the connection operation. The AddWindowsPrinterConnection method takes two parameters: the name you wish to call the printer and the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the printing device.
// JScript. var net; net = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection
("\\\\ServerName\\PrinterName"); ' VBScript. Dim net Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network") net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection
The following script demonstrates how to set the desired default printing device. In the first step, the script creates a Network Object. Next, the SetDefaultPrinter method, one of the Network object's methods, performs the operation. The SetDefaultPrinter method takes a single parameter, the name of the printer, which is either the local printer name or a remote printer name using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the printing device.
// JScript. var net; net = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); net.SetDefaultPrinter
("\\\\ServerName\\PrinterName"); ' VBScript. Dim net Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network") net.SetDefaultPrinter
Accessing Networks | AddWindowsPrinterConnection Method | SetDefaultPrinter Method | RemovePrinterConnection Method