
JScript Statements

The following table lists JScript statements.

Description Language Element
Terminates the current loop, or if in conjunction with a label, terminates the associated statement. break Statement
Contains statements to execute when an error occurs in code within the try block. catch Statement
Activates conditional compilation support. @cc_on Statement
Causes single-line comments to be ignored by the JScript parser. // (Single-line Comment Statement)
Causes multiline comments to be ignored by the JScript parser. /*..*/ (Multiline Comment Statement)
Stops the current iteration of a loop, and starts a new iteration. continue Statement
Executes a statement block once, and then repeats execution of the loop until a condition expression evaluates to false. do...while Statement
Executes a block of statements for as long as a specified condition is true. for Statement
Executes one or more statements for each element of an object or array. for...in Statement
Declares a new function. function Statement
Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. @if Statement
Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. if...else Statement
Provides an identifier for a statement. Labeled Statement
Exits from the current function and returns a value from that function. return Statement
Creates variables used with conditional compilation statements. @set Statement
Enables the execution of one or more statements when a specified expression's value matches a label. switch Statement
Refers to the current object. this Statement
Generates an error condition that can be handled by a try...catch statement. throw Statement
Implements error handling for JScript. try Statement
Declares a variable. var Statement
Executes a statement until a specified condition is false. while Statement
Establishes the default object for a statement. with Statement