
JScript Operators

The following table lists JScript operators

Description Language Element
Sums two numbers or concatenates two strings. Addition Operator (+)
Assigns a value to a variable. Assignment Operator (=)
Performs a bitwise AND on two expressions. Bitwise AND Operator (&)
Shifts the bits of an expression to the left. Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<)
Performs a bitwise NOT (negation) on an expression. Bitwise NOT Operator (~)
Performs a bitwise OR on two expressions. Bitwise OR Operator (|)
Shifts the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign. Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>)
Performs a bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions. Bitwise XOR Operator (^)
Causes two expressions to be executed sequentially. Comma Operator (,)
Returns a Boolean value indicating the result of the comparison. Comparison Operators
List of compound assignment operators. Compound Assignment Operators
Executes one of two expressions depending on a condition. Conditional (ternary) Operator (?:)
Decrements a variable by one. Decrement Operator ( — )
Deletes a property from an object, or removes an element from an array. delete Operator
Divides two numbers and returns a numeric result. Division Operator (/)
Compares two expressions to determine if they are equal. Equality Operator (==)
Compares two expressions to determine if one is greater than the other. Greater than Operator (>)
Compares two expressions to determine if one is greater than or equal to the other. Greater than or equal to Operator (>=)
Compares two expressions to determine if they are equal in value and of the same data type. Identity Operator (===)
Increments a variable by one. Increment Operator (++)
Compares two expressions to determine if they are unequal. Inequality Operator (!=)
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not an object is an instance of a particular class. instanceof Operator
Compares two expressions to determine if one is less than the other. Less than Operator (<)
Compares two expressions to determine if one is less than or equal to the other. Less than or equal to Operator (<=)
Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions. Logical AND Operator (&&)
Performs logical negation on an expression. Logical NOT Operator (!)
Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions. Logical OR Operator (||)
Divides two numbers and returns the remainder. Modulus Operator (%)
Multiplies two numbers. Multiplication Operator (*)
Creates a new object. new Operator
Compares two expressions to determine that they are not equal in value or of the same data type. Nonidentity Operator (!==)
List containing information about the execution precedence of JScript operators. Operator Precedence
Performs subtraction of two expressions. Subtraction Operator (-)
Returns a string that identifies the data type of an expression. typeof Operator
Indicates the negative value of a numeric expression. Unary Negation Operator (-)
Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression. Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>)
Prevents an expression from returning a value. void Operator