The following table lists JScript features that are not compliant with ECMA standards.
Category | Feature/Keyword |
Array Handling | concat, slice VBArray dimensions, getItem, lbound, toArray, ubound |
Conditional Compilation | @cc_on @if Statement @set Statement Conditional Compilation Variables |
Control flow | do...while Labeled switch |
Dates and Time | getVarDate |
Enumeration | Enumerator atEnd, item, moveFirst, moveNext |
Error Handling | Error description, number throw, try...catch |
Function Creation | caller |
Operators | Identity (===), Nonidentity (!==) |
Objects | Enumerator RegExp Regular Expression VBArray ActiveXObject GetObject |
Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching | RegExp index, input, lastIndex, $1...$9, source, compile, exec, test Regular Expression Syntax |
Script Engine Identification | ScriptEngine ScriptEngineBuildVersion ScriptEngineMajorVersion ScriptEngineMinorVersion |
Strings | concat, slice match, replace, search anchor, big, blink, bold, fixed, fontcolor, fontsize, italics, link, small, strike, sub, sup |