Scheduler.DispatcherStatus Property

 Scheduler.DispatcherStatus  (read-write, DispatcherStatus)
The current status of the dispatcher in ACP Scheduler


Scheduler.DispatcherStatus [= DispatcherStatus]

The property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
Value (DispatcherStatus) The current status of the dispatcher in ACP Scheduler


This is writeable because the scheduler itself writes to this property so that other clients of ACP can use it. This property is valid only if Scheduler.Available is True.

Symbolic Constants

The (symbolic) values for DispatcherStatus are:

Constant Value Description
dspSleeping 0 The dispatcher is sleeping
dspScheduling 1 The dispatcher is scanning and choosing the next Observation
dspObserving 2 The dispatcher is waiting for ACP to complete an Observation
dspDead 3 The dispatcher has encountered an error and has stopped
dspStarting 4 The dispatcher in initializing during startup
dspDisabled 5 The dispatcher is disabled
dspOpening 6 The dispatcher is starting up the observatory
dspClosing 7 The dispatcher is shutting down the observatory
dspDuskFlats 8 The dispatcher is waiting for ACP to complete dusk flats
dspDawnFlats 9 The dispatcher is waiting for ACP to complete dawn flats
dspDawnCalFrames 10 The dispatcher is waiting for ACP to complete dawn calibration frames
dspAutoFocus 11 The dispatcher is waiting for ACP to complete an automatic focus
dspUnknown 99 The status of the dispatcher is unknown