Document.PseudoColor (Scheme, Cycles, ReverseMap, MapType )
String Scheme - specifies the name of the color map to be used
Short Cycles - specifies the number of repetitions of the color map
Boolean ReverseMap - reverses order of color map
ColorMapType MapType - selects style of color map to use
mxLinearCM (0) : color changes linearly along each line segment in the map
mxLogarithmicCM (1) : color changes logarithmically along each line segment in the map
Converts a monochrome image to color by mapping gray levels into colors according to the previously-defined color map identified by parameter Scheme. (Color maps are editable and can be named using the Pseudo Color command, but not directly by the scripting interface.) The map is repeated the number of times specified by Cycles, and can be reversed by setting ReverseMap to True. Two ways of interpolating colors are available, selected by MapType.
This method is equivalent to the Pseudo Color command.