Edit Pixels

The Edit Pixels command can be used to make cosmetic changes to an image. Unlike most paint programs, however, the actual value painted depends on the screen stretch (as set by the Screen Stretch window). This allows for editing any image, not just those restricted to 8-bit values. It does, however, have the side effect of making the paint value dependent on the stretch settings.

The paint color may be determined in four different ways. A monochrome value may be entered manually by typing a value into the Intensity field and pressing Enter or clicking Update. For Color images red, green and blue values may be entered in the same fashion. Alternatively a value may be picked up from the image using the Pick Up Color mode. When selected, the user clicks on a pixel whose value is to be used for painting. A color may also be selected from a palette using the Choose Color button.

is provided for both the last paint action and all paint actions. Similar Redo functions are also provided.