Document.GetFITSKey( Key )
String Key - the FITS keyword whose value is to be retrieved
Variant - Value associated with keyword
Retrieves the value associated with the keyword specified by the parameter Key from the document's FITS header. A FITS keyword consists of up to eight uppercase letters and digits, and begins with a letter. GetFITSKey will convert lower case letters a-z to their corresponding uppercase equivalents A-Z. The type of the returned value is Variant because FITS keywords are associated with data of different types. For example, OBJECT (the name of the object in an image) is a String, but EXPOSURE (the duration of the exposure) is Double. If the Key specifies a keyword not present in the image header, GetFITSKey returns Empty.
This method provides part of the functionality of MaxIm DL's FITS Header command. See also SetFITSKey.