

Document.ColorBalance ( RScaling, GScaling, BScaling [, BgdR, BgdG, BgdB] )


Float RScaling - specifies the desired Red channel strength as a percentage of the existing level

Float GScaling - specifies the desired Green channel strength as a percentage of the existing level

Float BScaling - specifies the desired Blue channel strength as a percentage of the existing level

Float BgdR - [optional] background level in Red channel

Float BgdG - [optional] background level in Green channel

Float BgdB - [optional] background level in Blue channel




Scales the three color planes of a tricolor image by different amounts, affecting the overall color balance of the image. The background level may be specified for each of Red, Green, and Blue; if they are omitted, they will be determined automatically.

This method is equivalent to the Color Balance command.