This tool is useful for merging narrowband image planes into color images. You can set up narrowband planes with realistic colors, or you can tweak their color to emphasize the color differences.
To create a narrowband image, first open all the individual color planes you wish to use. Click the Add Plane button. To add all of the images automatically, select one image using Input Image and then check Load all images of same object. To load one image at a time manually leave the box unchecked.
To modify an image plane, double-click it, or click once to select it and then click Edit Plane.
You can adjust the Wavelength (nm) either by entering a number of by selecting a predefined wavelength using the drop list. The Wavelength is used to calculate an equivalent RGB color, which is used to represent the image plane. You can also tweak the color away from its normal position to emphasize the color differences.
If the plane is a Luminance filter, check Is Luminance Plane. The luminance plane is used exactly as for LRGB images, except in this case it also affects the narrowband image planes.
Tip: Some people like to use multiple spectral lines to represent a filter band; for example, Hydrogen Alpha emission is usually associated with Hydrogen Beta emission at a lower level, e.g. 15% to 30% as bright. To achieve this affect, add the Hydrogen Alpha image twice, and use one as the Hydrogen Alpha band, and the other as the Hydrogen Beta band.
To delete an image plane, click once to select it and then click Delete Plane.
To quickly tweak the brightness of a plane, select it using the mouse and then use the Scale Control. Sliding it to the right will make a plane brighter; sliding it to the left will make it darker.
The Auto Bkgd button, when pressed, will try to automatically match the background levels on each image plane, to eliminate any overall color cast from the image.
To see the results of your blend settings, click the Preview button. You can then adjust the settings and see the effect on the image. When you are pleased with the results click the OK button.