Version History

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Version History June 24, 2016

New Features / enhancements

1.Added ability to open a Configuration by double clicking an item in the ListBox

2.AquireStar: Added check to determine if telescope is < minimum user defined altitude (which may be a park position). If so, then telescope will slew to zenith to begin the autofocus run. This is implemented for ACP/ACPS when telescope begins an observing session from a park position, ACP will force a return slew and plate solve on return slew will fail if no stars are found, AquireStarAsyncStatus = 0 which is a failed autofocus run.

3.Added additional Trace elements for various COM methods & properties

4.Added FWHM arc-sec option (pixels is default) for MaxIm - see Preferences/General. Press small button to set arc-sec/pixel for each system (required).

5.Added current Alt / Az to Log when telescope first connects

6.Added ability to change Bright & Dim catalog magnitudes when testing PinPoint catalog Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint Tab

7.Added COM Method HardwareConnect(Camera (Boolean), Focuser (Boolean), Telescope (Boolean))  (String). Set each piece of hardware = True to connect the devise or False to ignore. Method returns a '|' delimited string if the operation succeeded for each piece of hardware.

8.Added COM Method HardwareDisconnect(Camera (Boolean), Focuser (Boolean), Telescope (Boolean))  (String). Set each piece of hardware = True to disconnect the devise or False to ignore. Method returns a '|' delimited string if the operation succeeded for each piece of hardware.

Bug fixes

9.Fixed bug where CCD Central Region would default to 100 if Auto-connect camera was enabled BUT the camera was not connected

10.Fixed bug in the Configurations window that would not allow the user to delete an configuration entry if 'Default' was selected.

11.Fixed bug that would not allow a system with no filter wheel to update focus preferences

12.Fixed bug where FocusAsync would not trigger focus is complete while running under automation.

13.Fixed bug that may cause a relative focuser to throw an error with ASCOM Focuser.Position May 28, 2016

Bug fixes

1.Fixed bug where closing FocusMax would close down connection to camera

2.Fixed bug where pressing 'Delete filter info' button in Preferences/Setup was not deleting new filter info files FW_XXX.cfg file

3.Fixed bug where FocusAsync would not trigger focus is complete while running under automation. May 22, 2016

New Features / enhancements

1.Added Trace Log (default = off) for all hardware I/O functions and automation which will be useful for debugging hardware & drivers.  Trace information is written in LogFiles directory automatically when FocusMax starts. See Preferences/General.

2.Added support for multiple user windows accounts. On first run, user has option to move  registry entries to newly created User\XXX\ Documents\FocusMax\Settings.cfg file. Filter wheel information will be moved from registry to FW_XXX.cfg file located in …User\XXX\Documents\FocusMax directory. This feature was requested by several colleges and universities.

3.Added new feature to allow user to create multiple FocusMax configurations - see Menu/File/Configurations. This may be used to back up current settings, create configurations for multiple users or different imaging projects.

4.Integrated download and removal of the CCD Border when reading TSX image into 2-D array. This will also speed process, especially with large chips. May address error 'Camera timed-out after 30sec Module: modCameraImage , TakeSubFrame.

5.Added new feature to allow the focuser to move to an estimated focus position when the focuser is initially linked to eliminate large out-of-focus donuts due to temperature. This will require that the user have a measured temperature compensation coefficient entered in the Temperature Compensation window.

6.Added code to allow Find & Expose button to be enabled if focuser is not connected (camera must be connected)

7.Added milli-sec to Trace Log to improve ability to analyze hardware I/O

8.AcquireStar will now create a temporary file called AcquireStarStarAvoidTemp.txt that will Log any star that fails the final HFD quality because it may potentially be seen as a double star. The file is used only during the active session and will be automatically deleted when FocusMax is reopens. The user may copy and paste the information into AcquireStarAvoid.txt to permanently ignore the star.

9.Improvements to Jog routine that may benefit JMI focuser

10.Added check to verify that user has entered star magnitudes in correct order for each filter in AcquireStar

11.Added ability for user to modify the field size according to magnitude of target star range - coefficients are stored in system.ini (AcquireFieldSearchCoefficients). Default is 3rd order polynomial which may be modified - contact Steve Brady for details.

12.Minor improvements to generate PinPoint simulated stars routine

13.Minor improvements to Jog window

Bug fixes

1.Dual focuser custom scripts updated

2.PinPoint synthesized star would fail if star HFD/FWHM is too large it stop process

3.FocusMax Log information would stop writing to ACP Log or connection to ACP log would drop out

4.AcquireStar now reports correct slew distance in Log based on  initial pre-slew telescope position not current. This is only seen if first target star fails and telescope slews to the next star. Oct 22, 2015

New Features / enhancements

1.Added additional hardware info to Log camera sensor size, focuser max travel and guard band setting

2.Find & Expose buttons will now be enabled when hardware is connected but no Vcuve has been run (new user)

3.Changed name Jog 'Move' button to 'Move to' based on user feedback

4.Added code to verify that telescope is not parked if COM AcquireStar or AcquireStarAsync is called. If parked, COM method will generate error, post to the Log message and exit

5.Improved simulator performance when running in Simulator mode with synthesized star field (require PinPoint Full not LE)

Bug fixes

1.Changing filter info (Exp, Min/Max Exp, Tgt flux,..) in both AcquireStar and Autofocus windows before closing Preferences windows would loose some of the changes made

2.FocusMax would change camera settings in control app during startup - camera settings will now be reset

3.'Use simulator stars' check box would not be enabled if user toggles between MaxIm and TSX camera control app.

4.Filter info may not be correctly read if user changes camera assignment

5.AcquireStar data grid would not resize if user changed camera assignment

6.Selected focuser may not be saved in Preferences if no Vcurve has been run (new user)

7.Focuser selected in Preferences/Setup may not be properly loaded when FocusMax starts Oct 9, 2015

New Features / enhancements

1.Added ability to automatically run a script when the system.ini is read.  To enable this feature, the user must identify the script to run in the ini file [User]  RunStartupScript=  

2.Updated UTC Offset in Preferences/Telescope to reflect times offsets that are reported in fractional hours (ex. Darwin, Australia = +9.5 hrs). ASCOM Platform Util.TimeZoneOffset returns an integer so implemented new methods to get time zone info via Windows API. Also added time zone name

3.Added code to disable 'Select' button on Vcurve window if imaging platform is not MaxIm

4.Mean Focus Position is now sent to Log during focus run

5.Added new formatting to Log to differentiate between user defined settings and FocusMax activity in the Log - they will appear indented with '…'

6.Added new method to download images from TheSkyX using ccdsoftImage.scanLine. This was implemented by SW Bisque to address out of memory error during image transfer  to host application


7.Retooled AcquireStar to increase speed and ability to identify autofocus target star and subframe in the FOV

8.Eliminated the AcquireStar Field Search combo box, now use a mathematical model to set the catalog field search size based on the  brightest star in the user defined mag range for the filter in use

9.Removed zenith coordinates from Log if user has not selected AcquireStar Goto zenith

10.Added telescope settle time message to Log following a slew

11.Fixed bug where AcquireStar would fail if AcquireStarAvoid.txt encountered CrLf in the text

12.Added code to disable Spiral Search if TSX ImageLink is selected in AcquireStar. Preferred method for large pointing error is to enable All Sky in the TSX

13.Added code to enable or disable Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint tab controls based on plate solve method selected by the user. PinPoint tab will be enabled for editing if selected as the plate solve method and disabled if TSX ImageLink is selected.

14.Added code to wait for plate solve image (pImage) to be written to directory and verify that it is not locked. A permissions error may be found if a file locked due to PC read/write latency.

15.Updated script AcquireStarAsync_Two_Focusers to work with current FocusMax version

16.Fixed bug where COM method AcquireStarAsync would set the fail flag if operation failed and would then proceed to next star in the selected target star list . The Host program would see the fail status and continue operation while FocusMax was busy attempting to focus on the next star


17.FocusMax will now generate a synthesized star field based on catalog selected in PinPoint when running with simulators. Requires PinPont (full version), MaxIm and telescope operating in tracking mode (using simulator or real telescope). The simulated stars will be in proportional to the measured star HFD value - see Preferences/AcquireStar.

18.FocusMax can now utilize TheSkyX DSS images in simulator mode - see Help

19.Added option to enable random slew errors when running in simulator mode - see Preferences/Telescope

Bug Fixes:

1.Fixed bug that would display message that a FocusMax update is available if there was no Internet connection available

2.Fixed bug reported in Log if telescope was connected and tracking, reported RA was actually DEC

3.Set Frame width in Preferences/Autofocus to max 200

4.Fixed bug where Traffic Log was not saving the window position when closed

5.Fixed bug where Focuser Chooser would reopen after a selection was made

6.Disabled get focuser temperature while polling at user defined rate (1 sec default) if the focuser is moving. This is based on feedback that get temperature may be delayed while moving.

7.Added instruction to verify MaxIm file format is *not* set to compressed format if "PinPoint error - could not attach to image" is seen.

8.Fixed bug where camera binning would change when camera connection is made April 6, 2015

1.Fixed bug where telescope would slew to old coordinates when user attempted to Sync to coordinates

2.Added ability to allow user to press mouse button down, move off button then release without initiating button function

3.Added ability to map a custom script to FocusMax function such as FocusAync AcquireStarAsync etc. which sill be initiated when the FocusMax COM object is called by host application (CCDAP, ACP, etc.)

4.Added AcquireStar functionality to ASCOM camera

5.Additional work to integrate ASCOM camera with Nebulosity V4

6.Added message on main window to notify the user that a FocusMax update is available. If the user opts not to update, then the message will close when a FocusMax command is initiated

7.Fixed bug where Log may show 'Could not find MaxIm CCD window' or 'Could not find MaxIm Main Window'

8.Fixed bug where exposure parameters for each filter where not updated if user switched camera configuration in Preferences/Setup

9.'Select' button will now be disabled if imaging software is not set to MaxIm

10.Optimized AcquireStar to improve speed of identifying target stars that meet user parameters

11.Added ability to cache all ASCOM camera settings then restore when FocusMax is finished.

12.Potential fix for Star not found error in star detection algorithm

13.Added COM method /property FocusMax.FocusControl.PostCommand and .PostCommandStatus to to be used when a script has been mapped to current FocusMax COM method such as FocusAsync.

14.Exposed Nebulosity V4 camera control application in Preferences/Setup Mar 7, 2015

1.Added ON/Continue message if user chose to delete filter information in Preferences/Setup

2.Added ability for user to select and delete hardware entries in Preferences/Setup which will disconnect the hardware device

3.Moved Menu/Open/Temperature Compensation Log next to Temperature Compensation

4.Updated temperature compensation model to make moves based on changes in second digit (X.XX) of moving average. This will yield moves of smaller excursions for high resolution  focusers

5.Fixed bug in script AcquireStar_Dual_Focuser.vbs where AimCamera coordinates were Topocentric and should have been J2000

6.Fixed bug where telescope was not performing a sync even if user had enabled this feature in AcquireStar

7.Fixed bug where focuser would attempt to move to position = 0 under automation if focus run failed

8.Fixed bug where FocusMax may lockup if user selected Menu/Camera/Disconnect

9.Added a AcquireStar TSX routine to slew telescope to the zenith if user has selected the Zenith option. This is a work around since there is no TSX method to allow manipulating  "Always keep telescope cross hairs visible on Sky Chart" = Yes or Yes centered.

10.Added Pixel Border (default 3) to Preferences/Camera to allow user to remove image border artifacts that may interfere with automated star detection. This is particularly helpful when running with simulator camera

11.Modified code to speed up system.ini load process when System buttons are toggled.

12.Fixed bug  where not all supported camera binning modes was displayed in combo box for each camera Feb 16, 2015

1.Added focuser position update as focuser is moving at user defined polling rate

2.Fixed bug where TempLog opened always on top of all windows

3.Added registry entry 'VcurveRunQuality' (default 30) to allow user to set allowable difference in wing height HFD from Vcurve run that is considered acceptable to use.  Some hints are printed to the Log if run fails due to this. This entry must be manually updated using the ASCOM Profile Explorer.

4.Added information relating to focuser TC moves to Temp Log if opened while in running in TC mode

5.Added code to create camera link when COM StarX,Ycenter is called if camera is not linked. This will address error with CCDAP for unique case where user opens FocusMax but does not connect to camera

6.Added code to automatically connect to required hardware during COM automation

7.Fixed bug where  focuser #2 name in Preferences/Setup was not displayed as common diver name

8.Small changes made to Log to show hardware status during startup

9.Added Telescope Auto-track to allow user to enable telescope tracking when connected manually or through Auto-connect

10.Added message box to Preferences/Setup/Reset filter settings to warn user that and custom filter settings will be reset for Autofocus and AcquireStar

11.Fixed bug where Camera #2 may not auto-connect even if checked in Menu/Camera2/Auto-connect Jan 30, 2015

1.Fixed bug in Jog window where Stop button would be enabled even though move exceed MinStep or MaxStep

2.Added additional instructions to the Log to address when there is differences between telescope & Site location which will disconnect the telescope

3.Fixed bug where Log posting 'Focus not achieved with star X' when focus was actually successful

4.Added filter slot number to Log

5.Fixed bug where filter slot is reported off by -1 slot number with MaxIm

6.Fixed bug where focuser may walk away when verifying side of focus

7.Added to TSX ImageLink Log output Catalog, Image & Solution star count and Solution RMS

8.Added ability to shift focuser midpoint when testing in simulator mode. Offset in steps must be manually adjusted in registry with entry 'SimulatorFocusOffset' (default = 0)

9.Reworked focuser code to address FLI Atlas focuser disconnect problem

10.Added code to verify that the HFD extremes from a Vcurve run are at least within 25% of each other which will verify that the Vcurve is properly generated an both sides of focus. This will fail Vcurve runs that are not symmetrical.

11.Added code to verify that user has not accidentally selected the same system.ini for System # 1 & #2.

12.Added system.ini entry MoveVerifySideHFR (default = 4) to specify the minimum move in HFD units to be used during focuser moves to verify that focuser is on correct side of focus. This may useful for users with high resolution focusers to assure change in HFD from focuser move is > than variation in HFD due to seeing. Jan 17, 2015

1.Fixed bug to allow Test PinPoint button on Preferences/AcquireStar if PP is selected as plate solve method. This button is necessary to verify that the Full version of PP is installed and not LE.

2.Added TSX ImageLink Scale & Position Angle to script data output

3.Added code to validate data & settings are correct for PC Regional Settings

4.Added additional focuser error message output to Log to include user Guard Band setting & current focuser position

5.Changed default images taken at NearFocus from 5 to 10 if Focus Convergence is not enabled. MinMaxClip requires at least 8 measurements before it is triggered

6.Moved Telescope Calibration for Center Star routine from registry to system.ini file which will allow calibration data to be saved separately for each system

7.Changed default new system.ini focus method to 'Standard' for new users (was Advanced)

8.Added additional output comments to script AcquireStar_Dual_Focuser.vbs

9.Reduced load time for Preferences windows by eliminating several redundant function calls

10.Added routine to automatically reformat V3 Vcurve data to V4 format when Profile window is opened

11.Added ASCOM registry 'FocusMaxInstallPath' to allow user to change the default FocusMax install directory reported by Windows typically C:\Program Files (x86)\FocusMax V4\. For users with SSD drives who install applications to a directory other than the Windows default - edit the windows install directory using ASCOM Profile Explorer and place the FocusMax license (fmx.license) into the directory

12.Added code to verify that the user has selected a plate solve method (PinPoint or TheSkyX ImageLink) in Preferences\AcquireStar\Method when running under automation

13.Added additional COM Methods and Properties to allow external application to load and run a FocusMax script Dec 22, 2014

1.Enabled 'Get from Telescope' button  on Preferences/Telescope to allow user to reset Site coordinates

2.Fixed bug where Vcurve data may not be written to Profile Dec 20, 2014

1.Fixed bug where TheSkyX Camera Add-on and CCDSoft 'Subframe on' and 'Automatically save photos' were not properly reset following an autofocus run Dec 20, 2014

Fixed bug where TheSkyX Camera Add-on and CCDSoft 'Subframe on' and 'Automatically save photos' were not properly reset following an autofocus run

1.Fixed RoboFocus disconnect problem reported by some users during automation runs

2.Fixed bug in FocusMax.Focuser.Link COM method when a call is made to create link to the focuser

3.Additional code to better synchronize various command buttons based on FocusMax activity, hardware and user setting states

4.Added '+' to Declination display on Telescope Window and Log outputs

5.Tweaks to improve side of focus determination at start of focus run

6.Changed label on Vcurve from Num Moves to Num Points to match count seen in Log and physical Vcurve display

7.Fixed bug where FocusMax menu may not be re-enabled if a process is active and user presses Stop button on Jog window

8.Added blank Plate Solve Method to combobox in Preferences AcquireStar as initial default setting for new user.

9.Added check to enable/disable AcquireStar checkbox on Temperature Compensation Wizard depending on state of user defined plate solve method in Preferences\AcquireStar

10.Added additional logic to Find Star process to increase frame size & exposure time to detect a extremely out-of-focus star Nov 30, 2014

1.Fixed bug where PinPoint modal box would open if PinPoint Full was not installed. User must press 'Test PinPoint' button in Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint tab to verify full version of PinPoint is installed.

2.Reinstated Test PinPoint button to verify full version is installed on Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint tab

3.Added additional logic to enable/disable command buttons based on state of various hardware

4.Fixed bug where path to Log Files and Images where not properly created on startup for new user.

5.Fixed bug where camera control SW may load at start up even though auto-connect was not enabled Nov 16, 2014

1.Fixed bug where exposure time was not correctly read if there was no filter wheel

2.Fixed bug, where data was not correctly saved if user updated both Preferences Autofocus & AcquireStar before closing Preferences window

3.Updated Tutorial file

4.Fixed bug if user attempted to toggle system number and Preferences window was open

5.Fixed bug where Profile plot will lock up if data was excluded by user

6.Eliminated Test PinPoint version in Preferences/AcquireStar - check is now performed at startup

7.Moved registry entry VerifySideHFD to ini file. This value can be increased by user so that high resolution focusers move distance will exceed seeing noise so that FocusMax will detect HFD change and not correctly detect side of focus

8.Changed TheSkyX Camera Add-on to use alternative COM interface for camera control which will address out of memory error when image array is passed to FocusMax

9.Per Bob D.  eliminated GSC-ACT and GSC 1.1 entries and added 'Guide Star Catalog' in Preferences/AcquireStar\PinPoint window. This will allow PinPoint to internally apply star catalog correction

10.Added code to all FocusMax COM Async  operations (FocusAsync, AcquireStarAsync, etc.) to immediately return async status  -1 (in process) when operation is first initiated. This will eliminate the need for the host program to require a timer before operation is initiated.

11.AcquireStarAsync - added code to verify telescope is connected and tracking under COM - if not, then an attempt is made to connect and set tracking on

12.Added code to change side buttons text color so that it is visible under windows classic desktop theme

13.Changed command button shape from rectangular to oval

14.Added routine to disable 'Get from telescope' button if no telescope has been specified in Preferences/Setup window

15.Fixed bug where FocusMax menus may become disabled if camera is not detected in CCDSoft

16.Fixed bug where focuser may not return to previous position if user pressed Stop button

17.Fixed bug where camera settings are not reset following a focus run Oct 14, 2014

1.Fixed bug for CCDSoft users when determining min/max bin modes

2.Potential random crash fix when Preferences is  opened or closed

3.Added multiple FocusMax.FocusControl & FocusMax.Telescope COM methods to support automated focusing of 2 focusers & cameras using AcquireStar

4.Created script AcquireStar_2_Systems.vbs which will autofocus 2 cameras & focusers using AcquireStar with either PinPoint or TSX ImageLink

5.Fixed several bugs related to generating temperature compensation regression analysis graph Sep 28, 2014

1.Fixed bug in AcquireStar that prevented the telescope slew to selected star

2.Depreciated Focus Methods Median, Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean based on analysis performed with Ron Brecher. Added new method MinMaxClip which has shown to yield the tightest focus performance Sep 27, 2014

1.Fixed bug in 'Preferences\AcquireStar\Plate Solve Tab\ Expose and Solve button' would be enabled if Camera was connected but Focuser & Telescope were not

2.Fixed bug where focuser may have a temp probe but driver does not support temperature compensation ==> FMx TC was not enabled

3.Fixed bug where Run & Select on Vcurve window button would be disabled if an autofocus run was terminated by user

4.Fixed bug if focuser cannot get temperature then Vcurve run will fail Sep 23, 2014

1.Moved Diagnostics to top of Log and divided into chunks of 50 characters. This change will improve automation timing issues with FocusAsync and AcquireStarAsync between FocusMax and host application such as ACP

2.FocusMax windows are now brought to top of desktop when connecting to telescope or camera control software

3.Fixed bug if telescope is first connected in the 'Dead zone' around the meridian, AcquireStar may fail to slew after finding suitable target stars

4.Added FWHM metric to determine final focus quality (MaxIm only)

5.Initial focus or Vcurve images will be saved to Image file if enabled in Menu/File/Images

6.Disabled the ability to save focus & Vcurve images between sessions - now user must be enable for each session.

7.Fixed bug where Center star button would strobe when the telescope was connected

8.Added ability to set delay when connecting to the focuser to give hardware time to fully initialize  

9.Fixed bug where camera status would be displayed in Log as 'Exposing'  when performing camera flush under automation control Sep 14, 2014

1.Fixed bug where reported focuser Error -2147352567 - temperature not available was not trapped

2.Fixed were Preferences might not open and lock FocusMax Sep 1, 2014

1.Changed FocusMax.Focuser.Temperature  and FocusMax.FocusControl.Temperature to return Single from String

2.FocusMax V4 no longer supports MaxIm V4 or less

3.Added SubFrame Width to Preferences/Autofocus (default = 100). Found users that set NearFocus to a large value (say 20) will result in a large subframe width.

4.Fixed bug that would cause the Jog window to strobe if focuser is connected but camera is disconnected

5.Added Temp Compensation method checkbox = None which will ignore TC allowing user to turn native focuser driver TC on Aug 31, 2014

1.Fixed bug, if PinPoint (full or LE) is not installed then a PinPoint message box from PinPoint would open when FocusMax tests if PinPoint is installed. FocusMax now does not test for PinPoint while loading - user can verify the full version is installed in Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint tab.

2.Changed button caption on Preferences/AcquireStar/PinPoint tab from 'PinPoint Install' to 'Test PinPoint'

3.Added additional logic to enable/disable command buttons based on internal FocusMax functions or if telescope is slewing under external control

4.Fixed bug where conversion of Left slope to Steps/HFD was rounded to single digit in Profile data grid

5.Fixed bug where FocusMax.Focuser.Temperature or FocusMax.FocusControl.Temperature would may return temperature = 0 even though temperature was correctly reported on the FocusMax Temp text box Aug 27, 2014

1.Fixed bug where negative focus offset setup in Preferences/AutoFocus would not be applied following a focus run Aug 26, 2014

1.Fixed bug where FocusMax may generate an error message if ACP is running

2.Fixed bug where Preferences button may not be visible if the Preferences window is minimized then restored. Aug 24, 2014

1.Delete Filter Info button is now active if system is loaded. Button was inactive if no filter wheel was found Aug 22, 2014

1.Fixed bug in Preferences/Telescope Get from Telescope and Training buttons not enabled with telescope connected & tracking

2.Fixed bug where in Preferences/AcquireStar\PinPoint Setup where catalog stars magnitude range was not sticky when Preferences was reopened.

3.Added code to determine location of windows install directory for users who have installed Windows on an any another drive but C (such as D...)

4.Fixed bug where FocusMax may show an incorrect filter wheel name with TheSkyX may if the name contains 'Filter Wheel'

5.Fixed bug where user may initiate connection to telescope then immediately attempt to open Preferences which may generate a fatal error

6.Fixed bug with Calibrate telescope moves where slew may return false when slew it was actually successful  Aug 16, 2014

FocusMax V4 initial release via CCDWare  July 11, 2014

1.Fixed bug in automatic Log file delete

2.Added AcquireStarAvoid.txt to Inno Installer

3.Fixed bug if imaging platform camera is toggled by user

4.Fixed minor bug related to setting command buttons active/inactive based on telescope connection in PrefsAcquireStar